Time Flies Like...
Monday, July 11, 2005
  Lennon's Edibles
Here is a list (yea! A list!) of things that I have seen Lennon "Thumb Sucker" DeVries eat. I am pretty sure that he would eat quite a few other things if he were presented with the opportunity, but I am reluctant to let him for fear of ruining his health. I don't usually try to feed him any of this stuff except the cat food, cat treats and hairball goop. He just seems to seek that other stuff out and get ahold of it despite your best efforts to stop him. I admit that sometimes I do offer him a little of certain things just to see if he will eat them. I am often surprised that he will, but am growing less surprised as time goes by.

  1. Jell-o (any flavor)
  2. pistachio shells (note to self: Don't leave pistachio shells unguarded on the coffee table.)
  3. cookies
  4. peanut butter
  5. popcorn
  6. carrots
  7. styrofoam
  8. birdseed
  9. paper (newspaper bits, shredder bits and any other bits on the floor)
  10. hairballs (from other cat's, ick!)
  11. other cat’s puke (very gross, makes me leave the room many times, but a bitconvenientt since it make my clean-up job a little easier)
  12. marshmallows
  13. dry leaves (from my house plants)
  14. butter
  15. tuna
  16. cat food
  17. cheese
  18. any other meat products
  19. feathers
  20. rocks/sand (brought in on peoples shoes)
  21. potato chips
  22. strawberries
  23. whipped cream
  24. cake (any flavor)
  25. cat treats
  26. hairball remedy goop
  27. bar soap (he licks it, after I use it, while it is still wet)
  28. apples
  29. pears
  30. Twizzlers
  31. Skittles
  32. chocolate
  33. random tufts of cat hair (Lennon probably caused them to be free of the other cats in the first place)
  34. candle wicks
  35. tree bark
  36. grass
  37. crackers
  38. catnip
  39. sorbet
  40. Cheeze-It's
  41. strawberries
  42. beer
  43. soda (almost any kind, even diet)
  44. juice (orange, red grapefruit, grape)
  45. probably some more stuff that I wasn't there to see him eat...
It might be worth mentioning that a picture of Lennon can be seen on the right. The little cat in all his glory and his tongue sticking out.

I too have seen him eat some of these things and over time have become calloused to any shock his eating habits used to provide.
Man, you have kept a really detailed list! Impressive. Some of it, though... ew. Though I must say, he is really quite the adorable little kittykins.
One time he tried to eat one of my fingernails. I was still using it, though, so I had to disappoint him.
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"Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana." ~Groucho Marx

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